Is there a way to monitor internet usage for each individual computer?
At the moment we have 2 computers and a laptop that use the internet in my house. I'm in charge of making sure we don't go over our broadband usage limit because it is very expensive, however this month I've noticed insane usage reports per day. Upwards of 1 gig per day downloaded and 200 meg uploaded. I can't afford to have this continuing, so I need to pinpoint who is using this much. Is there a program in which I can monitor INDIVIDUAL computers usage? Every program I have tried so far just shows a graph showing the usage at the time, and the total usage. That doesn't specifically show me who is using it, as multiple people use the computers at the same time. I need a way to show how much they are using, hopefully per day for each individual computer. Would be good if I could monitor it from my computer, but I don't mind installing multiple programs on each computer.